1、由水缸,水喷淋过滤系统,百叶窗阻挡过滤系统,抽风系统,电气控制系统(电气箱)等几部分 组成。
2、水喷淋过滤系统的喷水管1、2寸,上面装多组聚丙烯材质角度65度的不锈钢夹扣喷嘴,水源经由水 泵(型号大小由喷漆台二次排放柜大小而定)从底部水缸吸入喷水管,然后由喷嘴喷出,喷出的水 带有很大的冲击力,把经过的漆雾和颗粒打碎, 使气液充分接触,废气中细小粉尘、未凝固的油 漆颗粒及少量的有机废气被吸收,然后由于重力作用水掉入水缸,流入小水缸,达到水循环使用。
1、The tank, water spray filtration systems, blinds blocking filtration systems, ventilation systems, electrical control systems (electrical box) composed of several parts.
2、Filtered water pipe sprinkler system 1、2-inch, multi-set polypropylene mounted above the 65 degree angle of the nozzle stainless steel clip, via water pumps (model size by a painting station secondary emission cabinet size) from the bottom of the water water suction cylinder tube is then ejected from the nozzle, the discharge water with a great impact force to break through the mist and particles, so that sufficient gas- liquid contact with fine dust in exhaust gas, the non-solidified particles of the paint and a small amount of organic waste is absorbed, and then fall into the water tank by gravity flow into smaller tanks, to water recycling.
3、After two of the activated carbon filter, the discharge of tail gas to the related standards of environmental protection.